Psychotherapy and Mediation Services

Healing Heart Workshop Pt. 1

Dr. Bevan-Lee covers the basic definition and core symptoms of Codependence in this first part of a two part lecture from one of the Legacy Center workshops. The impacts of parent/child relationship dynamics are explored and associated with varying states of emotional development.

Healing Heart Workshop Pt. 2

In this second part of the workshop, Dr. Bevan-Lee takes audience questions about relationships, faith, perceived emotional realities, and how they affect issues of codependency. The open question format gives a sense of the personable atmosphere of Legacy Center workshops.

Trauma, Codependence and Addiction

This lecture is taken from the Spring Into Recovery conference, which featured Dr. Bevan-Lee as the keynote speaker. Recorded on April 2, 2011, this lecture covers the early childhood roots of Codependency, methods for determining if a person is Codependent, the importance of stating a person's reality, the psychological roots of addiction, and more.

Relationships Are Hard Work

March 19th, 2012

“Relationships are hard work.”…. I don’t share this belief. I hear people say this simple statement frequently. I would suggest that if your relationship is “hard work”, you might want to make it easier on yourself by reframing your basic beliefs about relationship. Here are some simple ideas that could help you in your relationship. When you get up in the morning, think about your partner and say to yourself “I love my partner and I know that he/she is doing the best that he/she can do”. Keep this thought with you through the day and particularly when your partner is tweaking you. By the way, if you do not believe that your partner is doing the best that they can do every day that is another issue for you to address to yourself. Another idea would be to reserve 20 – 30 minutes in the evening, after dinner, after the kids are in bed or are otherwise occupied and before you go to bed. During this time, share your day with one another with some attention paid to the feelings that accompanied your daily events. This is not a time to process or challenge…just share and say thank you….when you are listening, listen with curiosity and when you are sharing, speak to be known.

Nurture your relationship. By doing so, the children will thrive and your life together can grow and stay vital.

Donna Bevan-Lee, Ph.D., M.S.W.

The Legacy Center • 22525 64th Place, Ste 2038 • Issaquah, WA 98027 • (425) 677 - 7711 • © The Legacy Center NW